ISO: I shoot opportunity

Hello my sweet shutter bugs,

You’ve made it to the blogger side of things & I must say I’ve never done this before so buckle up. Why the Blog? You, you are why the blog. In the last couple years of doing business you have all followed a constant flowing journey. You’ve joined me in the realization that when it comes to my business its personal. Thats the way it’ll stay as I dive deeper into highlighting the significance of sets, walk through my dream sets (yes literally dream the set & then build it). As we get deeper down the rabbit whole of my photography journey I’d like to share all the beautiful and not so beautiful parts of being a business owner.

Today May 14th 2022 Entry 1- This website rebranding marks the 1 year anniversary of Solei’s first magazine publication. Every now & then I post looking for viewer selected concepts & I build a set with my spin on it. Cottagecore was selected by a friend’s daughter & I went as far as to invite her to be on set watching the vision unfold before her as I built the set around 4 models. This was my 2nd collaboration with Michelle Kuba ( HMUA) but our first time being published. We collaborated with model Sienna Delano for the submission and to our huge surprise the submission went live 2 days earlier than originally scheduled and came on a day where I needed it the most. A door in my personally life was quite literally closing and as I shut the door on an opportunity; the second I closed the door I got the email that we had officially been published. Time and time again photography has pulled me out of my lowest points. I can only hope that this craft brings you the peace that it brings me as I continue to share these triumphs with you.

I owe every bit of my success today to the circle I’m surrounded by. My friends, family, clients, and social media hype teams carry me through my sets & edit process. I’m excited to be able to share my favorite moments & biggest lessons with you.

I will do my best to be actively updating blog entries & will be covering as many topics as I can pertaining to reader requests.

Happy Saturday you beautiful souls

Mercedez C.