Shutter & Soul

Solei Photography

If you’re new here hello I’m happy to unofficially meet you! If you are returning welcome to the rebranding of Solei. If you have seen my old website the about me tab was pretty surface level knowledge. Through this journey I’ve come to realize this is a much more intimate experience. My clients share bits & pieces of your lives. I find it comforting that this way I get to share the same with all of you.

My Name is Mercedez. Owner & Head Photographer of Solei Photography. To answer everyones favorite question: How did you get into photography? In 2014 I lost my Nana. The Queen Creative in my life was no longer present & the loss was hard to navigate through. I took up multiple jobs & hobbies to cope with the loss but it was no avail. I needed something that would ignite creativity & I took up photography. Being 18 at the time photography helped me navigate through loss and self love through creating. I spent several years doubling as a plus size model & a photographer and the two together built the creative before you today.

Today I’ve had the honor of helping you with business projects, motherhood, travel, milestones, firsts, fears, unions, history, movements, and love. Ive fallen in love with the view on the other side of my lens time & time again. I’ve had the privilege of honoring my Nana’s memory in these sets & experiences and its amazing to share a part of her with all of you.

As a woman & as photographer the growth this career has brought me constantly brings me to tears. The relationships that I've built here with you are irreplaceable. Thank you for many beautiful years of growth, love & creation. You’ve seen Solei navigate through offering a body diverse client closet, being a traveling photographer, and bringing High Fashion / Avant-Garde concepts to Hawaii.

Thank you for being here, and for sharing this crazy creative journey.

With Love,

Solei Photography- Mercedez